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Excessive force leads to blood in the urine? Please use horse eye stick with caution

I used too much force when I was playing horse eye stick just now, and now my urine is yellow. When I first urinate, there was obvious pain at the location of the prostate. During the urination process, the pain decreased, and blood flowed out at the end of the urination. How to deal with this situation?

Some novice drivers may not know what a horse eye stick is, so before answering this question, the director will give you a brief introduction.

First of all, everyone knows about horse eyes, right? The urethra of all male mammals passes through the prostate gland and penis, and opens at the glans. The urethral opening of males resembles the eyes of a horse, so it is commonly known as “horse eye”.

The sensitivity of the urethra is high, so some adventurous men think of stimulating it with sticks. How to stimulate it? As shown below:
Just looking at the picture, the director’s brain is already buzzing, it’s so sour that I dare not think about it.

It is said that, if performed properly, the horse’s eye rod passes through the urethra to the vicinity of the prostate gland, which, due to the density of nerves there, produces an explosive sensation of pleasure.

But if it is not operated properly, it will urinate blood like this user.
Why is urethral irritation so dangerous?

Compared with women, the urethra of men is more slender, about 18cm. And what’s special is that it also has two bends: one bend is the pubic symphysis, located below the pubic symphysis, 2cm below the pubic symphysis, concave forward and upward, including the beginning of the prostate, membranous and cavernous parts ; The other bend is the pubic anterior curve, which is located in front of the pubic symphysis, concave to the back, and between the root of the penis and the body.
Friends who drive frequently should know that accidents are prone to occur if a passage is long and curved. So the things you put in the urethra are likely to appear in the following situations: they cannot be taken out, they fall into the bladder, and they are broken inside.

Last year, the British medical journal “Urology Case Reports” included a case in which a 15-year-old boy in the UK took a USB cable into his urethra in order to measure the length of his lower body, causing the entire cable to get stuck Inside, several attempts to take it out were unsuccessful, and then he began to urinate blood, so he was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

The doctor made a small hole between his genitals and anus, then cut off the knotted part of the transfer cable, took it out, and then pulled the remaining wire out of the body from the urethra. Finally, the boy recovered smoothly and was discharged from the hospital the next day. He still has to return in two weeks for a follow-up scan.

In addition to the USB cable used by this little brother, some common foreign bodies in the urethra include pencils, pins, toothbrushes, straws, chopsticks, kidney beans, thermometers, leeches… Let alone, when it comes to sex, everyone’s imagination is rich up.
No matter what you insert, inserting a foreign object in the urethra may cause a series of complications, not to mention urinary tract infection and urethral inflammation. Repeated friction and injury to the urethra may also cause urethral stricture, causing difficulty in urinating and even life-long catheterization. In addition, Metallic foreign objects may also puncture the bladder, with disastrous consequences.
What if an accident happens?
Four words: Seek medical attention promptly.
In the case of this user, luckily, the thing has been pulled out, it’s just a urinary tract infection. If it is not serious, the doctor may prescribe some antibiotics and tell you to drink plenty of water.

If something remains in the urethra and it is difficult to remove it like the guy in the UK, don’t pull it out by yourself. You must seek help from a doctor in time, and don’t delay the treatment time because you feel embarrassed.
Depending on the size, shape, and location of the foreign body, the doctor will take different methods to remove the foreign body. For a foreign body that has not completely entered the bladder, it can be gently and slowly removed with tweezers or hemostatic forceps on the basis of sufficient lubrication; while for a foreign body that has completely entered or even entered the bladder, it may be necessary to use a urethroscope or cystoscope If necessary, even cut the urethra or bladder.
Thinking of this, have your lower body tightened?
How to avoid accidents?
The most direct and most useful advice is, of course, don’t try.
But if you are driven by curiosity, do try it out, and remember the following tips:

1) Considering individual differences in sensitivity and potential health risks, it is recommended to perform aseptic operation throughout the process, take a bath and wash hands before irritating the urethra, and clean and disinfect the utensils;
2) Please use antibacterial water-soluble lubricant;
3) Do not just grab something and poke it into the urethra. Please choose a professional appliance, preferably made of medical-grade stainless steel or medical-grade silicone. The bottom of the appliance must have a widened safety design to avoid getting stuck in the urethra;
4) Check the surface of the device before use to ensure that there are no burrs, so as not to scratch the fragile urethra.

at last

There is nothing wrong with sexual addiction itself, and everyone has the right to pursue sexual pleasure, but the premise is that no matter what kind of sexual behavior, safety always comes first.

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