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Chastity Belt FAQs: Answers for New and Experienced Users

1、Will the morning pains last continuously?
Yes, but you will get used to the feeling and become numb, then adapt to it.

2、Will sleep quality be affected?
There will be pros and cons, this is a natural phenomenon of the body’s initial adaptation.

3、How to clean the birdcage?
You can use a cotton swab or roll toilet paper into a thin strip to clean it.

4、What pants are suitable?
It is recommended to wear jeans and triangle underwear, and soft pants are not recommended.

5、What should I do if I want to go to the toilet outside?
You can only squat, otherwise the urine will spray everywhere. Alternatively, use a urinary catheter.

6、How long should I wear it for the first time?
For the first time wearing it, it is recommended to wear it for three days, then take it off for a night and continue, gradually increasing to one week and one month.

7、Do I have to shave my hair?
It is better to avoid pinching the hair.

8、Can it pass through security checks?
If it is a metal lock, it will be recognized by metal detection security checks.

9、What should I do if there is swelling?
It is caused by the accumulation of moisture and poor circulation, causing the skin to swell and compress the urethra. When it occurs, unlock it.

10、What should I do if the skin is worn?
Same as question 9, or wrap it with soft cloth at the worn area.

11、Sometimes the testicles escape?
Push it back, or consider changing to a smaller size.

12、What should I do if I can’t help but want to open it?
You need a key keeper or master.

13、Can I add a nail ring for control?
It is better not to, as it can harm yourself, unless you are a heavy player.

14、What should I do if my little brother is hard before putting on the birdcage?
Find a way to make it smaller, or use lubricant and Vaseline.

15、Are there more comfortable chastity belts?

16、Is it suitable for long-term wear?
The design of the chastity belt is for short-term non-normal situations, ranging from a few days to a few months. However, when it comes to specific use, it varies from person to person. It is said that some people have worn it for more than 2 years.

17、Will there be nocturnal emissions if worn for a long time?
Even if you are 40 years old, if you wear it for a long time, you may still have nocturnal emissions.

18、Can you really not masturbate after wearing a chastity belt?
No, you can still use an AV stick, for example.

19、Which of the three materials, metal, silicone, and plastic, is the most comfortable?
Plastic < Metal < Silicone.

Silicone can be easily shaped, although the length of the cage will not change much, the freedom of angle change is very high, greatly reducing the sense of bondage.

The unique touch of metal is actually the most comfortable, giving a strong sense of confinement and a strong sense of falling.

Plastic and silicone are basically lightweight, but the strength is generally not enough. After wearing it for a long time (usually 1-2 months), it may crack and damage. At the same time, the plastic will gradually fog up, and the originally transparent plastic will become blurred.

20、How to choose the length and ring size? (For reference only)
Ring diameter: Find a thin, non-elastic thread, wrap it around the base of the penis, tighten it into a circle, and then measure the length of the thread. This length

21、What should I do if I notice my genitals turning purple?
It means there is insufficient blood flow, which may be caused by the device being too tight. If the penis has been deprived of blood for more than two hours, irreversible damage may occur, so it is important to remove the device immediately.

22、Can long-term wearing of a chastity device lead to erectile dysfunction?
According to reports, this is possible. If the sponge-like tissue in the penis is deprived of blood for too long, it may become fibrous and unable to become erect. Therefore, it is important to regularly remove the device unless you no longer wish to have erections.

23、Will my penis shrink if I wear a chastity device for a long time?
Although there is no scientific evidence to support this, a store employee reported observing a couple who wore a chastity device for one year and then switched to a smaller size for another year, recording the length of the penis before and after erection throughout the process. The employee claimed that the penis became significantly smaller at the end of the two-year period. While this anecdote may be informative, it is not a proven fact.

24、Does long-term wearing of a chastity device increase sexual fantasies and sensitivity?
While a chastity device can prevent full erections and ejaculation, it cannot prevent sexual fantasies. In the first few days of wearing the device, the awareness of its presence may lead to painful erections, but even after adapting to the device, sensitivity and sexual fantasies may increase over time, including sensitivity in other parts of the body such as the anus and nipples.

25、What is the experience of morning erections while wearing a chastity device?
Morning erections will still occur even after long-term wearing of a chastity device. While in the beginning, it may be difficult to fall back asleep due to the awareness of the device’s presence, later on, one may simply become aware of having morning erections without fully waking up, and then fall back asleep again.

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